Why do students not like challenges?
A recurrent theme in student feedback to my Cell biology course in this and previous semesters is that the course is very interesting and being taught well. However, the content is too difficult.
I suspect, however, that what students feel is difficult is not really the content itself, but applying the content to solves problems.
Contrary to the common student perception, I would argue that one main reason why the course is interesting is in fact because it is difficult.
Some courses are interesting because the lecturer discusses fascinating findings or phenomena and delivers them in an engaging manner. Although I try to include interesting discoveries and problems, I certainly do not deliver them by telling fascinating tales.
In contrast, what is different in this course compared to many other courses is that the learning involves solving challenging problems. Solving problems tends to be fun, especially when the problems have a certain degree of difficulty. For instance, most people would not choose to play a video game that has not some degree of challenge. If a game is not challenging, it tends to be boring.
Playing games with others is often even more fun. The same is probably true for solving problems in class, which is one reason why team-based learning is a great way to learn.
While it may be difficult to design a course that is at the same time interesting and easy (at least for me!), it is nonetheless useful to consider why students want the course to be easier.
Based on end of semester student feedback from past years, the main concern of students is not that they need to spend too much time on studying for the course and completing assignments. In fact, there are no major assignments.
Instead, the most likely reason why students want the course to be easier appears to be that the students are worried about their grades and that they may potentially end up with a bad grade that will pull down their GPA (and potentially ruin their future!). It is worth noting, however, that due to the grade moderation at the end of the semester the statistical chance for receiving a bad grade is not higher than in any other course.
As such, the main problem is not the likelihood of getting a bad grade, but the fact that students feel they cannot control their grades. If we take a course where we know how to do well and our grade hence only depends on our effort, we feel comfortable (although many students still do not actually do what they know it takes to get a good grade).
This raises the question of why do we want to feel in control of things? Being able to predict the future and stay away from uncertainty has advantages from an evolutionary standpoint. It helps humans to avoid dangerous situations.
However, it can also have disadvantages because we may miss out on things that are fun and interesting and help us to grow. Most importantly, all human progress is ultimately dependent on taking risks.
I would argue that the potential negative consequences of taking a risk in the context of choosing a study course is rather minimal. The worst that can happen is that we receive a worse grade than we had expected. I do not even remember what grades I got for the subjects I took in University, partly because nobody was ever really interested in them.
On the other hand, the useful outcomes of taking risks, even if we fail, are considerable. We may realise that our study method does not work in different contexts or that scientific research is not appealing to us. This is not even considering potential positive outcomes, such as gaining new perspectives or learning to overcome challenges.
Ultimately, doing well in my course requires the same approach as for most other courses, and this approach is practice. In some courses, doing well involves much practice to know the content well. In this course, doing well requires engaging in repeated practice to solve problems.
In fact, studies have shown that how well someone does in a problem based course is not dependent how “bright” a student is or how fast a student understands things. Instead, how well a student performs is a direct function of the skills that a student has at the beginning of a course and the number of practice opportunities he or she engages in. This means that a weaker performance at the beginning of a course can be completely compensated by more practice of the skills that are critical in the course.
Students often ask how they can practice more beyond the practice opportunities that are provided. My answer is usually that it is relatively easy for students to create their own practice opportunities. This may involve trying to explain problems to others (or even to ourselves). It could also be through using the same approaches that I often use to come up with questions, which is to vary experimental conditions or the parameters that are measured and predict the expected results.
While all this undoubtedly requires effort, I would argue that because solving problems is more interesting than merely revising content, it is easier to follow through with plans to study more consistently, which most students set out to do at the beginning of a semester.
My first week of a new semester
It is the first week of a new semester, my first lecture is over, and I just watched the research talk that our departmental IT lead recorded last week in preparation for one of my next classes. And I must admit that I feel pretty depressed.
To be fair, not everything gives me reason for disappointment. The student activities, which took up the most part of my first class, went very well, and I also must admit that I explained the science in my research talk clearly.
But here comes the depressing part. After all these years, I still struggle to talk engagingly in front of an audience. The problem does not lie with what I am trying to express, but with how I do it. Over the years, I spent so much time to read, think and teach about giving engaging presentations and to help students with improving their presentations. But it did not seem to help me.
Of course, in order to be a good running coach, one does not have to be a fast runner. The same is true for helping students with their presentations. And hence even though I am not a great public speaker myself, I have been able to help my students quite effectively in giving good presentations, to the effect that none of my undergraduate research students has received a grade lower than A- for their presentation and project as long as I can remember. But it did not seem to make much of a difference for me.
The reason is of course quite obvious. Coaching others does not really help me in improving myself because by coaching others I do not focus on what are my weaknesses. In fact, I have never actively worked on improving my own presentation skills (except for trying to stop using excessive amounts of filler words), not to mention getting others to help me.
Truth be said, I have given presentations in the past that I was happy with and proud of. But if I had to say what I did differently in my good and my bad presentations, I would not be able to put my finger on it.
The good news is that it is never too late to take steps to improve ourselves. As such, I am going to add another goal to my list for the coming year, to finally work on my own presentation skills, in addition to trying to help others to present well. The first thing I’ll have to figure out is how to do it.
It is high time to think about my goals for this year. After spending much of my efforts over the past years on soft personal goals, I feel that I am ready and motivated to finally tackle some more concrete goals.
Specifically, there are three main things on my mind. Firstly, I would like to actually complete things, in other words, have something to show for all the things that I have been learning and improving. In fact, my original goal for this year was to accomplish one major achievement that I can add to my CV every month. Secondly, I want to increase the visibility of what I have been doing. Finally, I want to make progress towards my long term goals, coaching in athletics, health or pedagogy and making an impact in society, for instance through outreach.
Why are these things important to me?
With regards to achievements, adding things to my CV can give personal satisfaction. But ultimately the main purpose of achievements is that they benefit someone. What is the purpose of publishing a paper that does not provide others with actionable information or that nobody reads. What is the point of organising a conference that does not have some unique value for participants.
This brings me to the second point, why visibility is important. Visibility is important not to feel good about myself, but to let others benefit from my achievements. Likewise, the only way I am able to learn from other is because of the visibility of their output.
As such, I was considering this week what would be a good platform to learn from others and share my own insights and achievements. And I realised that one of the best options is LinkedIn. It is a platform that people visit to learn things. Hence, I would like to invest time this year to establish my presence in LinkedIn (although not right now (!), but after the end of this semester).
Finally, there are my long term goals. They are personal challenges that I want to master, but more importantly that provide meaning and opportunity for self-improvement in the future. Being long term goals, they do not necessarily determine my daily task list, but function more as a focus and direction into which I want to progress.
When considering goals, one aspect that one has to consider is the time factor, which to a large extent determines what I can achieve. The time factor is of particular significance for me because I do not want to pursue achieving things at the expense of doing my work well and spending time to help students. This highlights the importance of limiting my tasks.
However, there is a second reason why the time factor is so critical. It also affects how I experience the process of pursuing my goals.
There are various ways in which I do not want to experience pursuing my goals and doing my work. I do not want to be in a constant fight with my time to get all the things done I set out for myself. I do not want to feel pressured to finish all the work and worry that I may not. I do not want to feel I lost control over all the tasks that I have to do. I do not want to feel that I need to have managed to complete a long list of things in order to call the day a good day.
Instead, I want to do things because I enjoy them.
As much as we want to have control over the things that we have to do, for instance by using all kinds of productivity hacks, the truth is that it is impossible to gain complete control. Firstly, there is no end. There is no finish line. Many tasks take a long time, and we often cannot even predict how long they will take. Even after completing a task, there will be a new one. And many unpredictable things may happen on top of our task list.
I believe that there are only two things that are in our control. One is the amount of things that we try to accomplish in our day. The other is our mindset. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could look at the things we have to do as things that we want to do? And if we do not get to do them, then it is fine!
While based on the nature of their work many people may not be able to do look at their work as a joy, I realised that I can. Instead of telling myself I need to read two papers, check the literature and write something every morning, I can say to myself that I want to do these things, and if I don’t, it is okay. And this is actually true.
Hence, what I have been trying for the last couple of days is to treat a new day as a holiday or a special day, even though it may be an ordinary work day. When I go into work on a holiday, it usually feels special, partly because of the feeling that I have the freedom to do whatever I want and everything I do is something “extra”, something I want to do. Why not adopt this mindset to every ordinary day.
But there are of course things that I have to do, for instance marking an assignment or report or preparing a quiz with a certain deadline. The good news is that I also enjoy these things for the most part (mainly because I get to decide how I want to design them). Nonetheless, I still feel the pressure to complete them on time.
When considering where this pressure is coming from, I realise that the main pressure comes from trying to achieve perfection. Hence, one shift I started to make is to not always expect perfection, but to accept imperfection. I will do my best, but if the outcome is not as good as it can possibly be, then that is okay.
What is more important than these small details is that my life is happy. After all, I am not responsible for creating a perfect experience for others. It is enough to provide opportunities for others to achieve a great experience for themselves, whether it is my students in the lab, my students in class or the runners in my running group. For instance, if my students do not want to submit a meaningful assignment, it is their choice and I do not need to try to provide meaningful feedback. What is more important is to continue to come up with new ideas and to strive for perfection where it is necessary, such as in assessments and things that I want to publish (not including this blog!).
Hence, in the new year I firstly want to focus on a limited set of tasks, so that the things I do become more enjoyable. Secondly, I want to focus on enjoying the process of creating and doing things, without worrying about the achievement of perfection.
How is this compatible with wanting achievements? I think that wanting achievements helps me to direct my focus into a certain direction. Hence, I still stick to the exciting goal that I set for myself initially, to complete one achievement every month this year, but I add to it that I want to accomplish it while experiencing joy and no pressure.
Looking back at 2024
To be clear, I do not drink wine, even though the picture may suggest so. But with the old year ending and a new one about to begin, I did look back at the last twelve months. I realised that I have been able to experience a remarkable past year, and looking forward I am excited to experience a hopefully even more remarkable new one.
Most of all, however, I feel very lucky to have been able to live peacefully, comfortably, safely and happily for another year. It is an incredible privilege to be able to do my work without having much else to worry about, especially in spite of all the tragic things that have happened all over the world this past year. I also feel lucky to have a family who is so supportive, caring and wonderful to spend time with.
The thing that I have been enjoying the most this past year are various aspects related to my work – reading papers, thinking of experiments, doing experiments, writing, preparing my teaching, learning new things. As a result of actually enjoying my work this much, I often have to force myself to work less and “enjoy” my life more, and not the other way around.
The number one way to enjoy my life this past year has been to spend time outdoors. Given the limited time I have for “enjoyment”, I have consciously decided that spending time outdoors is what I want to focus on, because compared to everything else it brings me the most joy.
There are some practical achievements that I feel happy about, including publishing two papers, seeing our NUS staff running group grow, completing my first full marathon in 30 years and qualifying (most likely) for the 2026 Boston Marathon, teaching my Cell Biology course well and receiving one of my best teaching feedback scores and the best ever course feedback score.
However, much more than the practical achievements, I feel happy about my personal achievements. This includes finding out how I really like to spend my days, as discussed above. I have also managed to simplify my life through transforming my personal living and work spaces, removing clutter and surrounding myself only by those things that I actually like. This has made a huge difference because it makes me look forward to go to my office, my home and even my storage place.
I have also been quite successful in finding ways to waste less time on meaningless things (the most effective way being the Habitshare app) and instead spend more time on those things that I enjoy or that make me feel good.
Most importantly, I have gained clarity about my goals in life, in large part thanks to my two months stay in Madrid. This feels great and allows me to look forward to my future.
How do these achievements align with my original goals? The goals that I set for myself one year ago included becoming fluent in Spanish, finishing my book, creating a great student experience in LSM2233, making progress in my running coaching and building up the NUS staff running community. Finally my biggest goal for the past year was to improve my happiness.
I spent one year studying Spanish literally every day. However, during my two months stay in Madrid I realised not only that speaking and understanding Spanish is very difficult, but also that I did not feel very happy in Spain. Hence, I decided that there is not much use to continue learning the language and I stopped. After making this decision I felt a huge sense of relief. The experience taught me that I really do not like learning languages. I originally had plans to learn some other languages as well. But with this experience I decided to get rid of all of my language learning books because there are so many other things that I enjoy much more.
I also have been working on my teaching book every single day and I have been “almost finished” with it for the past four months. It is just that there is always one more thing to do.
What about creating a good student experience in my Cell Biology course during the first half of the year? One great thing about having a blog is that I can always go back to what I thought and wrote when I don’t remember how I felt about things in the past. After my course was over in May, I wrote:
The main goal for my teaching this semester was to make learning fun. Have I succeeded? … when observing the students, it was apparent that when the students did discuss problems, they enjoyed doing so. Many students also expressed informally that they enjoyed these activities. However, the main problem was that I was not consequent enough to implement my strategy of engaging students through problems in all classes.
This suggests that I was partially successful. More importantly, I managed to identify what may have prevented an even better student experience – the fact that I still spent a considerable amount of time lecturing students during class. Having realised this, I plan to change this in the coming semester by reserving as much in-class time as possible for student activities and practice exercises. The fact that this is really much more important than delivering interesting content is reflected in the following point of my previous blog post:
in their formal and informal feedback, students rarely comment on interesting lecture content or engaging lecture deliveries. In contrast, they frequently express how much they appreciate to be able to apply learned knowledge by solving problems, and how much they enjoy these activities.
What about my goals to contribute to building an NUS running community and to make progress in my running coaching? Our running group did grow, but was not able to join the SG Athletics practical course this year. Hopefully I will manage to secure a slot during this year.
Finally, my biggest goal was to raise my daily average happiness score from currently slightly above “5” (out of 8) up to “6”. Although technically I did not achieve this goal, I did improve my scores and made progress.
Much more importantly, though, through the whole process of trying to be happier I learned a lot about potential ways to improve my happiness, which I have described in various posts. And I came to a very important insight. Although there is a lot we can do, namely by eliminating things that do not make us happy and doing more things that do make us happy, there is a limit. Once we have done what we can do, and continue to do so, we have to accept that the rest is out of our control.
When we do things that are meant to make us happy, there is no guarantee that they will indeed do so. There are many factors that are not determined by us, including external circumstances, our state of mind and our personality, which ultimately is determined by our genes. As such, it is useful to accept that we cannot always feel happy and that we may already be as happy as we possibly can be.
Although there are many factors that are out of our control, it is also true that if we do not take active measures to feel happy, achieving a happy state will be difficult. It also means that it is important to continuously evaluate our strategies for achieving happiness. For instance, at the beginning of last year I came up with the plan to take two off days each week, Wednesdays and Saturdays. This turned out to be a failure. There was too much work that I wanted to do and that I also enjoyed. I realised that what works much better for me is to take some time off on a daily basis and take an occasional break by going on a short trip.
So much for my review of the past year. I will leave setting my goals for the new year for another post.
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